Thursday 11 August 2011

Blog Tip - Isogen Fonts

As many of us know the ability to customize Isogen to our requirement can often be astounding. Once an Isogen Style has been created correctly, Isogen will generate your Isometrics according to these parameters each and every time, with little to no cleanup.

This tip is dedicated to Isogen Fonts and how the fonts for your Pipeline Attributes, Material List, Piece Marks and Position Text can be changed to match User requirement.
By default the Isogen fonts are set to "Monotext", which as most know is not really aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Please follow the instructions below to learn how Isogen fonts can be changed quickly and easily, to make all, automatically generated, Isogen Isometric drawings, more professional and attractive.

Note that the on/off box does not respond when wanting to activate user defined fonts.

We first need to tell Isogen where to find the information for these fonts. For this we need to go back to the Isogen Project Manager. Highlight the relevant Project and Style that you are working with. Go to the External Data tab, click inside the font information box, then hit the browse button.


Highlight the fonts information file and click on open.


Notice that the font information dialog box has updated. Click on Apply to apply the new settings.

Once this is done open up the options file for the project, set the desired font in the Iso Style tab and also the Material list tab.
Once we have exported to Isogen, the Iso and material list will reflect the new font.

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